Well, not always. You can now decide the cheat tab's visibility in the
settings. Be warned that this will be removed in a future update, as this
is supposed to be a test mechanic.
Made even more rewording changes and formatted more code with Glitch's
format function. I'm trying to format as much as I can.
MORE STORY! It's a work in progress though.
A new developer has joined the team! It's Reinhardt. Oh, and don't forget
Redfire and O_O.
Remember, saves from before version 0.7 aren't compatible, and will break
the game due to future balancing changes.
Also, if you haven't noticed, there is no old design. I think it'd be too
hard if we had to manage 2 different styles of the same game at once.
You can break the limit at 10,000 neutron stars. 25k/100k was pretty excessive.
Buyinshop will be revamped along with bulk buy.
First supernova will be faster, along with subsequent supernovas. You will
be able to gain more prestige power and transfer upgrades will be
rebalanced. Transfer upgrade costs have been rebalanced, and some upgrades
will have changed for the better.
Supernova upgrades will be rebalanced to make sure that they give
significant boosts.
Buffed the prestige power formula to start at 3x and be better overall.
This will require some balancing, so hold tight.
Better UI and CSS by Reinhardt.
The return of NS mult?! It's true. It will return. ...well, it
didn't exactly exist before, but it will now.
Some other things I probably cannot list here.
v0.69999... - The return (1/21/2020)
Finally. We're back.
For real this time. Except for Nyan cat. He can do what he wants though,
but your contributions are never forgotten.
Further updates will be hosted on Glitch. Nowhere else.
As usual, all your saves are gone. You can replay the game again though,
so that's good. You can experience a better earlygame.
We might consider a new number library. Just saying.
We will also make special text easier to read.
aarex, why didn't you make better formatting
v0.6999... - Rebalances and better interfaces (December 2018)
Nothing real right now, just nyan cat messing around and usavictor
fixing grammar (real updates will come soon).
Also, saves will be wiped (for game versions less than 0.7). Neutron
tier 5-10 supernova upgrade will also be available (haven't tested yet).
Original change logs (WILL HAVE GRAMMAR PRESERVED)
v0.699... - Hypernova (2018)
Major changes
Added a feature that helps you to start the game.
Transfer points and neutron stars are now located at below the stars.
Nerfed playtime transfer upgrade to (x/1800)^0.15.
Nerfed transfer playtime transfer upgrade to (x/300)^0.13.
Nerfed the bonus for every OoM of generator amount to x1.02 after
buying third transfer upgrade.
Buffed 'highest prestige power' transfer upgrade to log10(x)^0.7*0.8.
Buffed 'highest transfer points' transfer upgrade to log10(x)^0.7*1.8.
Buffed 'increase prestige power gain based on itself' transfer upgrade
to log10(x)^0.75*0.45.
Buffed the reduction of tier 10 generator price increase to 221.68x
after buying eighth transfer upgrade.
Nerfed the bonus for buying tier 10 generator to x1.07 after buying
transfer upgrade #10.
Transfer upgrade #11 is now 'Buying tier 5 generator increases all
production by 0.145%'.
Last 3 transfer upgrades now have higher costs.
Second and third transfer upgrades are moved to first and second.
All transfer upgrades now have higher costs except the first.
Now there is 2 kinds of supernova before breaking the limit,
non-forced (when you reach 1.79e308 stars) and forced. (when you
reach 5.59e400 stars or 1.79e308 stars if you are taking a
Oh, they give one neutron star too.
Nerfed the bonus for buying tier 10 generator to x1.1 after buying
supernova upgrade #10.
Replaced supernova upgrade #15 with a new side-content. (This is
suggested by Choof!)
Now there is 15 supernova upgrades.
P.S: It is not ready until beta 21 or higher.
New supernova upgrade #15 formula for post-break is now capped at
x[neutron stars]^12.5 or x[highest prestige power]^0.9 (whether it
is highest).
'Headstart' option is now hidden until you buy one of last 2
supernova upgrades.
Added some options in option tab when changing supernova
There is new set of achievements replacing from the whole
Challenges is now display different.
While running challenges, you will not earn achievement bonuses
While you are running challenge 5, multipliers is now displayed
instead of production.
If you are trying to buy autobuyer interval for your first NS, you
get a warning to buy supernova upgrades first.
Autobuyers is now display different.
Buyinshop features now display only if the autobuyer
Added 2 buyinshop options called 'Pre-break autonova options' and
'Autotransfer options III'.
Pre-break autonova options now start automatic supernovaing when
you reach 5.59e400 stars.
Unlocking 'Neutron boosts' now requires 25k NS.
New supernova upgrade #15 is now has a side-content named 'Prestige
Headstart Upgrades' when you break limit.
Added pre-supernova mode.
Balanced the costs of neutron boosts.
Doubled the upgrade amount for increasing neutron boost
Neutron tiers now requires 1T NS to unlock.
Changed the base cost formula for neutron tiers.
The formula for neutron power is now [neutrons]^min(max([log10 of
Added total neutrons in statistics tab.
Added 'destabilization' mechanic, which you can destabilize your
stars to replicate for bigger NS. (This was suggested by
Added new supernova upgrades that you can upgrade for a boost for
specified neutron tier generator.
Added aliens (would give free neutron boost powers over time)
P.S: It is not done yet until beta 21 or higher.
Added the special kind of supernova that keeps your half of free
neutron boost powers.
In light theme, background color on supernova buttons has little
darker than original.
In original theme, supernova buttons has been recolored to same as
old design.
Added perks, which is respecable across hypernovas and you can
choose whether you respec perks.
P.S: It is not done yet until beta 21 or higher.
Added perk points, which you can earn by hypernovaing and can spend
on perks.
P.S: It is not done yet until beta 21 or higher.
Added stellar pillars, a quadruple set of upgrades that I called
the set 'pillars'.
P.S: It is not done yet until beta 21 or higher.
Added unlockables, which is an another type of perks which there is
an extra feature for supernova content.
P.S: It is not ready until beta 21 or higher.
Added neutron challenges, a new type of challenges which the goal
is to go hypernova and can be unlock by spending neutrons at stellar
P.S: It is not done yet until beta 21 or higher.
Minor changes
Costs for generators is now support smaller numbers.
Formatting for stars per second now have tenths.
Without lower tiers, higher tiers can now generate stars in a single
'Progress till X' percentages now uses hundredths.
Hovering 'stars per second' now show growth rate for stars production.
OoM left for progress till prestige is now have non-integers.
Rates for below 1 per second are precised to per minute, per hour, and
per day.
Transfer points and neutron stars are now have a singular when you
have only one.
Multipliers for upgrades now display more decimal points below 100.
(This is suggested by Username5243!)
Added the explanation for transfer upgrade 7.
Altered the colors for tab buttons.
Explanation for supernova is now updated to replace Infinite with
1.79e308 with formatting.
Added the statistics for last transfer time before
Completed the incompleted explanations for supernova
Unlocking autotransfer now have shorter JSON data.
NS/s gain in statistics tab and supernova button after break limit
are now rounded down to hundredths.
Added total neutron boost power.
Neutron boosts would now update when buying neutron boosts,
resetting, or loading a save file.
Neutron power would now update when buying neutron boosts,
resetting, or loading a save file.
Because of formula change of neutron power, neutron amount has been
reset back to 0.
'You have X neutrons' is now more descriptive to includes neutron
Updated 'Milestone got!' notice.
Resetting or loading a different save file would save immediately.
Removed 'game saved!' notice.
Tabs have a different layout and shouldn't have more than 1 screen
Added 'mobile scrolling' option. (recommend for phones!)
Redesigned options tab.
Redesigned statistics tab.
Added 'Since last save' in the save button.
Now you can play without offline progress. You can check it out in
'options' tab.
All 'Infinite' are now shortened to ∞.
Infinity notation now display up to 7 digits of precision.
Doubly infinity notation now start at e3.08e9.
Doubly infinity notation now display more digits.
Added 1 notation called long scale.
Added 1 more notation called natural logarithm.
Added 1 even more notation called mixed which it can be configured.
Added few mysterious notations.
Time formatting now excludes '0 X' and so '1 Xs'. (X means any word)
Renamed story requirements to milestones.
Now you can disable story to stop reading!
Restarted story to a new one.
Your achievements are reseted because I am restarting them.
Rephrased almost all of them. (thanks to IkerStreamer for helping)
Added the formulas to help you to calculate in 'how to' page.
Changed 'increases the production multiplier for' to 'increases the
production multiplier of' in explanations.
The bar at bottom is bigger.
Switched back to break_infinity.js because it is faster than
The game tick take less CPU now.
FrostBite5 improved some grammar throughout the game.
(Old design) Reorganized statistics tab.
Bug fixes
Notations is now accurate for large numbers.
You will now start with 0 total stars (that means you start that you
actually didn't gained stars yet).
Hovering tier 10 generator now displays 'production per 1 generator'.
'Progress till X' will never display 100.00% again.
Having below 1000x prestige power is not longer break for hovering
transfer button.
You can unlock challenges now for new players only.
Challenge 5 production would now increased from all your bought tiers
Challenge 8 should decay when you are producing stars.
'A single neutron star' in explanation for supernova no longer have a
's' after 'star'.
Break limit should be fixed for new players only in rare conditions.
Resetting the game now actually restart the game tick interval.
Resetting the game now reset neutron power.
When you unlock neutron boosts, the requirement for next one would no
longer break.
The original notation would switch to letters after reaching e306.
(Old design) Prestige power should be shown after prestiging.
(Old design) Autobuyers shouldn't have black or white text.
v0.652 - Explanations (3/3/18)
Added explanations which the game explains for you. You can turn on
explanations in the option tab.
Added the growth rate for prestiging.
Added the production multiplier for all generators. This will show the
production for 1 generator from any tier.
Added more multipliers for existing transfer upgrades
Hovering transfer upgrades is now show the multipliers instead if the
multiplier is changeable
Notations on exponents will now show only first 3 digits.
Added the transfer point peak. (showing the highest amount of transfer
points you ever got)
Changed challenge 4 description.
Changed the look for autobuyers.
(Old design) Generators will show the unknown cost if you didn't buy
the previous generators.
Everything will now block the locked generators!
Max all should unlock generators in the right way.
Tooltip would be shown while pressing to prestige.
Prestige playtime is not frozen anymore.
You can't unlock more story or getting an achievement if you are
taking a challenge or exiting a challenge.
In challenge 4, buying generators is now corrected.
(Old design) Autogenerator bulk buy is now hidden when you didn't buy
(Old design) Removed the blank and useless button.
Formatting as unrounded number will now have different amount of
decimal points after the point.
Changelog is now easier to read.
Titles is now different while browsing between pages.
I would come back to break_infinity.js again if BigInteger was broken
for many people
Edit: break_infinity.js has been returned in the Hypernova
v0.651 - Nerf (2/26/18)
Made the neutron boosts have limited quantity
Balance neutron tiers because of that
Subtabs will become green if the tab is completed
v0.65 build 42 - Balancing (2/26/18)
Wiped your achievements because of the bug while updating your save
Balanced neutron tiers
Fixed formatting for large numbers
Fixed 0 prestige power bug
Added the e100 neutron stars limit until the next update
v0.65 - Break limit (2/25/18)
New UI for having Infinite stars
Made challenges requires different amount of NS
Added reward boxes
Added autobuyers
Added autobuyer interval starting at 10 seconds
Added buyinshop (Autobuyer shop features including options,
priorities, and bulk buy)
Added autogen bulk buy
Added autotransfer options
Added autoprestige options
Added neutron boosts involving it can upgrade the boost infinitely
You can break limit by reaching 100k neutron stars
Added neutron tiers involving first produce neutrons which reduces the
Supernovaing will reset neutron tiers except all your bought
Added story
Renamed some achievements
Added more achievements
Added achievement rewards
Added highest PP stats
Added total TP & NS stats
Added last 10 supernova stats
Added 2 new notations, original and hybrid
Added secret notations
Added original & colorblind theme
Buttons is not longer look like Arial
Added 'use monospaced font' options
Added hotkeys including the disability option
Added tooltips
v0.6b2 - Balancing more (1/31/18)
Balanced some supernova upgrades
v0.6b1 - Balancing (1/19/18)
Balanced some upgrades
Changed last supernova upgrade cost to 300
v0.6 - Infinity update (1/17/18)
New set of transfer upgrades (Some are changed or replaced)
Added 1 transfer upgrade
Added supernova upgrades (Some are suggested by 1234abcdcba4321)
Added challenges
Added bonus achievements
Balanced pre-supernova content
Added more achievements
Split non-scientific notation to two notations, called standard and
Added 3 new notations called logarithm, engineering, and same-letters
Added bonus display for generators (suggested by IvarK)
Added more options, including show progress (suggested by
username5243) and challenge confirmation
Added light theme
Added more stats, including ticks per second
New design (Old design is kept)
Optimized game
Balanced early game and 1 transfer upgrade.
Hotfix update
Fixed bug that loading the game don't have achievements on it.
v0.4 - 12/24/17
Added transfer upgrades
Changed gain prestige power
GUI improvements
How to play
Made old browsers playable
Future content
More themes
Custom letter notations
Stellar bots
Neutron challenges
Make Universal Attractor great again