How to play Universal Attractor
(Some are rephrased by IkerStreamer, descriptions revised by usavictor)


Generators generate either stars or lower tiers, depending on their tier. You can buy them by spending your stars, one of the many main currencies of the game.


Prestige is a soft reset, and by resetting you gain prestige power, which gives a production boost for all generators.
Prestige will be available at 1e39 stars, and the more stars you have, the more prestige power you will gain. With a certain upgrade, it's reduced to 1e37 stars, and could be reduced further in the lategame.

PP formula after prestiging (without buffs): ([current stars]/1e31)^0.0520305


Transfer is much like prestige (which resets the game), however when you transfer you gain transfer points, in exchange for your prestige power. These points can be spent on upgrades.
Your first transfer point is available at 100x prestige power. The more prestige power you have, the more transfer points you will gain.

TP gain formula (without buffs): floor(([current PP]/100)^(1/3))


Supernova is a soft reset similar to prestige and transfer, however it resets everything up to that point. When you reach 1.79e308 stars, you will be able to blow up your stars, which causes a supernova. However, you will only be forced to do so when you reach 5.59e400. Each supernova earns 1 neutron star, which you can spend on supernova content, but you will be able to earn more as you go further into supernova.

Supernova upgrades

Supernova upgrades are similar to transfer upgrades. These upgrades will not reset on supernova, and cost neutron stars. A couple of upgrades will let you start with amounts of something or bought upgrades. These are called 'headstarts'.


There are other ways to boost production by performing certain actions to obtain achievements. You will earn rewards after completing any achievement.


Autobuyers are the automation mechanic of the game. All autobuyers share the same interval that can be reduced by spending neutron stars. You unlock different autobuyers by opening reward boxes. You will earn the "autoupgrader" autobuyer after supernova.


Challenges are similar to a regular supernova. These runs have special conditions, and will not give you the same rewards that a regular supernova would. The goal is to reach 1.79e308 stars. When you reach this goal, you will complete the challenge.
Completing a challenge for first time gives you a reward box, containing autobuyers.


Buyinshop features are unlocked at 3,000 or 3e3 NS, and are similar to supernova upgrades, but for autobuyers. Buying any buyinshop feature gives a new feature for autobuyers.

Neutron boosts

Buying any neutron boost upgrades increases neutron boost power, which gives to a production boost to all generators. One of the neutron boost upgrades increases prestige power gain.
Besides neutron boosts, you can now break the limit of 5.59e400 when you unlock them.

NS gain formula past break limit: floor(10^(x/308.254-min((x-308.254)/95020.97-1,0)))

Prestige Headstart Upgrades

Before break limit, there was a simple formula for calculating the prestige power after you transfer or supernova. With this new mechanic, the formula changes and you can buy upgrades that cost neutron stars to increase the formula power.
The formula is chosen based on the minimum of the values that are calculated. These formulas are called subformulas, and there are three of them.

Normal subformula: x[neutron stars]^min(max([log10 of neutron stars],5),12.5)
Pre-break limit: x1e16
Post-break subformula: x[highest prestige power]^0.9

Neutron tiers

Neutron tiers are similar to normal generators, but they cost NS and produces neutrons. Neutrons reduce the cost of your normal generators.

At 1e55 NS, you can start upgrading your neutron tiers with the new neutron upgrades!


Destabilization is a mechanic that unlocks at e25 NS and can avoid your further, short, supernova runs. If you destabilize stars, you lose all your generators, gain unstable stars, and divide the stars by the amount of unstable stars.

While destabilizing, all generators are less effective and unstable stars can self-replicate. If you reset while destabilizing, all progress of destabilizing are lost! However, unstable stars are useless except it can increases the gain of NS. You can even upgrade this mechanic with the costs of NS and there is 4 of them.


Aliens from area 51. (PLACEHOLDER THING, THIS IS A JOKE) All jokes aside, these aliens will gradually come over time, giving more free neutron boost multiplier. More bonuses will come as they are developed.


Hypernova is the fourth layer of soft reset after supernova. When you reach 1.79e308 neutron stars, you will be able to explode your stars further and cause a hypernova. Like supernova, each hypernova earns 1 quark star, but will unlock even more new features to change up how you go through supernovas.


Unknown content. It will be developed later.


Unknown content. It will be developed later.

Stellar bots

Unknown content. It will be developed later.

Neutron challenges

Unknown content. It will be developed later.